Make stuff look gooder

Gently apply all purpose design improver to affected area.

Website Design

Building websites that work on all devices, but don’t look like they got whacked by the ugly stick.

Logo and Branding

Creating functional, clear and memorable visual cornerstones of your organisation or business identity.

Print and Signage

Business cards, brochures, letterheads and signage. The tangible stuff, designed for the real world.


I once got paid to draw a sheep getting fired out of a cannon. I can do other tricks too.

Soothe the savage pixels.

Since 2007, we’ve been making everything better. To be fair, that claim should be limited to web, logo and print design. Simply put, if it can look better, then we do it. So until magical Sublimer All Purpose Design Improver™ cream actually exists, we’ll do it the old fashioned manual way.

Sublimer is based in Orange, NSW. Where the roads suck but your logo doesn’t have to.

Latest additions to the portfolio: